"Coaching hasn't happened unless there's been a shift in thinking and therefore behaviour".

Martin Goodyer

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The International Academy for Business Coaching and Training

International member of the Association for Coaching

CBBC Coaches Start with the End in mind

What does the business need?

What does the business owner want?

What potential does the business have?

What prevents revenue growth now?

What is possible and achievable?

Whatever else the business needs it will always need revenue. Sales are the lifeblood of business and growth in profitable sales the Holy Grail for most business owners. CBBC coaches are trained to help business owners identify where the real areas of potential profitable revenue growth exist; they will help examine the reality of the current trading position and reflect on the organisations achieving the best results. In conjunction with the owner the CBBC coach will define an achievable potential for the business within a tight time frame and establish benchmarks to follow along the way. The CBBC coach will help the business owner precisely identify the barriers currently getting in the way of profitable revenue growth; these are not always obvious, but the CBBC coach has been trained where to look and how to find them. The outcome is to achieve the highest levels of profitable growth possible. The CBBC coach will work with a business owner for a fixed 24 month period, but inevitably their growth in revenue will continue long into the future.

Much easier to measure when your coach doesn’t earn unless you do

“I didn’t think I could afford a really great coach. My business wasn’t making enough money to justify it, but when I found out about the CBBC programme I jumped at it because I knew coaching would make all the difference. You see I knew I wasn’t being as effective as I could be, I just couldn’t seem to do anything about it. Now six months on my business has never been better. I’m excited about the future and I KNOW it wouldn’t have happened without coaching; and more specifically, I would never have taken the plunge without the commission based option”

Why are more and more small business owners turning to Commission Based Business Coaching?

Existing CBBC Client. Name withheld publicly on request, however this client is happy to speak directly to anyone considering taking up a CBBC programme.